Scott and Julian kick start this two parter by look at Gilliam as a film maker and then dive into the first film in the Trilogy, Time Bandits
Episode 77: Seduction of the innocent and comic book censorship
Scott and Julian get deep and discuss the origins of the book Seduction of the Innocent and how it impacted comic book censorship.
Episode 76: Retrospective - Robocop Part 2
Scott and Gareth continue to work through Robocop 3 and the Robocop reboot from 2014.
Episode 75: Robocop Retrospective Part 1
Scott and Gareth take a look back at the first two films in the Robocop franchise.
Episode 74: Iconic Review - Miracleman (the Alan Moore Years)
Scott and Julian have a deep dive looking at the Alan Moore years of Britain's first Superhero, Miracleman.
Episode 73: A moment in History - The golden age of detective Fiction
Scott talks with host of 'Shedunnit' podcast, Caroline Crampton, about the period between 1920 & 1940, regarded as the golden age of detective fiction.
Episode 72: Iconic Review - The Dark Knight Returns
An analysis and review of the iconic Batman story, The Dark Knight Returns
Episode 71: A focus on H. P. Lovecraft
Podcast about the man who brought us Cosmic dread, interdimensional god like beings and the Necronomicon - Howard Philp Lovecraft.
Episode 70 Thought Piece: Tim Burton and Modern Fairy Tales
Scott and Julian go deep and talk about Tim Burton, his filmography, why we enjoy his work and how auteur cinema is suffering at the moment.
End of 2018 Minisode
Scott talks about the highlights of 2018 and some exciting new changes for 2019.
Episode 69: Rocky Retrospective Round 3
Gareth and Scott are back for one more round, to discuss Creed and the new release Creed 2
Episode 68: Two Studio Ghibili Movies Review
Scott chats with some special guests about two of the best Studio Ghibili Movies
Episode 67: Rocky Franchise Retrospective Round 2
Scott and Gareth step in the ring again to discuss the next 3 films in the Rocky Franchise - Rocky 4 - Rocky Balboa.
Episode 66 Rocky Franchise Retrospective Part 1
Scott is joined by new guest co-host Gareth Powell to talk about the saga of the greatest Boxing champ of all time Rocky Balboa. In Part 1 we cover Rocky to Rocky 3.
Episode 65: Candyman & Modern Horror Folklore
How do Horror movies and modern myths influence each other? What are we still scared of?
Episode 64: Eerie Indiana
Scott chats about the underrated 90s kids weird show Eerie Indiana. Then talks with star of the show Justin Shenkarow
Read MoreEpisode 63: The Complete Howling
Scott meets Bryn C Hammond to discuss his book "The Complete History of The Howling" the best and worst of the Werewolf series and other horror banter.
The Complete History of the Howling will be available in early November 2018 from all good bookstores.
Episode 62: The Pulp Heroes
Scott talks with author Jim Beard about the heroes that stepped off the pages of the pulp magazines during the dark days of the great depression.
Jim Beard Amazon Link
“The great Pulp Heroes” Book link
Episode 61: Sharpe's Podcast
Let's get into History! Scott has the pleasure of talking with Richard Sharpe creator Bernard Cornwell and One of Sharpe's Chosen men from the TV series, Rifleman Harris, Jason Salkey.
For more about Bernard Cornwell and the Sharpe series visit
Find out more about Jason's new book chronicling his time on the Sharpe series at
More about Jason Salkey at
Read MoreEpisode 60 Monty Python's Flying Circis pt1
Scott Talks with Jim Gobel of the Monty Python appreciation society about why Python is great and why its legacy has lasted so long.