Julian and Scott take a look at the blood soaked sequel and ask if it stands up as well as the original.
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Julian and Scott take a look at the blood soaked sequel and ask if it stands up as well as the original.
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Scott and Julian take on the other 90s Kevin Costner epic flop, The Postman.
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Scott and Julian debate the satire and action of an Arnie classic, The Running Man.
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Scott and Julian psycho dive into this cyberpunk crime thriller and party like its 1999.
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Scott and Julian tackle the 90s Stallone sci-fi action satire that isn't Judge Dredd, Demolition Man.
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Scott and Julian will try explain the water melon and debate whether Buckaroo Banzai is a cult classic or a legit flop.
Scott and Julian travel out to the wild west and discuss the first iteration of WestWorld, the 1973 movie.
Scott and Julian come at Valerian from very different places
Scott and Julian become the LAW to pass Judgement on 2012 movie, Dredd
Scott defends one of his guilty pleasure movies, John Carter, to Julian.
Steven Spielberg, Tom Cruise, Philip K Dick, what could go wrong? Julian and Scott discuss 2002's Minority Report.