Scott and Julian join the second doctor and his companions as they have a nasty case of crabs.
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Scott and Julian join the second doctor and his companions as they have a nasty case of crabs.
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Scott and Julian start the classic Doctor Who retrospective. They take a trip back with the first Doctor and his companions to learn about The Aztecs.
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Scott and Julian complete the Terry Gilliam retrospective with the time travel mystery, 12 Monkeys.
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Scott and Julian take on bureaucracy and tall tales as they discuss Brazil and the Adventures of Baron Munchausen.
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A shot back into the past with an episode from when Scott and Julian first met and talked Terry Gilliam.
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Scott and Julian reflect on the second half of season 3 and give their out of 10 score for each film.
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Julian and Scott breakdown and discuss Darren Aronofsky's meditation on Love and Death, The Fountain.
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Scott and Julian open their eyes to Vanilla Sky and Tom Cruise.
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Scott and Julian get into a heated debate about Netflix Cowboy Bebop and adaptation.
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Julian and Scott check out the Spanish science fiction drama Open Your Eyes (Abre los ojos) from 1997.
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Julian and Scott check out the 1997 cloning thriller, Gattaca.
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Scott and Julian take a trip into space and find its hell… in more ways than one.
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Scott and Julian psycho dive into this cyberpunk crime thriller and party like its 1999.
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Scott and Julian tackle the 90s Stallone sci-fi action satire that isn't Judge Dredd, Demolition Man.
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Julian and Scott try some horticulture and discuss Little Shop of Horrors.
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Scott and Julian will try explain the water melon and debate whether Buckaroo Banzai is a cult classic or a legit flop.
Scott and Julian got to the final frontier and discuss Star Trek the motion picture.
Scott and Julian take a trippy ride along with David Bowie and the story of a being who gets lost on our planet.
This bonus episode is the pilot of Twilight Zone Talk that Scott and Julian release on a weekly basis on the Patreon feed. This is a glimpse of what you can get when you become a Patreon of 20CG Media.
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